Latest Earthquakes–and How Earthquakes Work - 2

Montanhas de entulhos se aglomeraram na capital do Nepal. Aqui, os trabalhadores de resgate...
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Ap
Estradas ao redor de Catmandu foram divididas como resultado do terremoto e suas réplicas. Aqui,...
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Ap
Em Swyambhu, uma área em Catmandu, os socorristas salvam um homem dos escombros no domingo. Seu...
Foto de Prakash Mathema, AFP, Getty
An avalanche triggered by the earthquake struck a section of Mount Everest Base Camp on Saturday,...
Foto de Azim Afif, Ap
Em Bhaktapur, no Nepal, Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, um templo colapsou em torno de uma estátua...
Foto de Omar Havana, Getty
A relative of one of the victims identifies a dead family member in Bhaktapur, a town southeast of...
Foto de Omar Havana, Getty
The body of a person killed in the earthquake lies ready for cremation on Sunday.
Foto de Omar Havana, Getty
Nepalese families gathered in a field to cremate their family members near Bhaktapur, Nepal.
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Ap
Two men search through debris in Bhaktapur as part of rescue efforts. Multiple aftershocks have...
Foto de Omar Havana, Getty
In a hospital in Kathmandu, a man named Suresh Parihar plays with his daughter Sandhya. Parihar was...
Foto de Manish Swarup, Ap
Buildings in and around Durbar Square, a site surrounded by ancient palaces that are listed as...
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Associated Press
People tried to free this man in Kathmandu Saturday even as aftershocks continued shaking the...
Foto de <p> Narandra Shrestha, EPA</p> <p> </p>
The facades of buildings in Lalitpur District, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, fell into the streets...
Foto de <p> Prakash Mathema, AFP, Getty Images</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
Some people who had been buried by falling debris were rescued as aftershocks continued to shake...
Foto de <p> Narendra Shrestha, EPA</p> <p> </p>
More than just government rescue workers contributed to the search and rescue effort in the hours...
Foto de Omar Havana, Getty Images
The Dharara Tower, a 14-story cultural landmark built in 1832, was reduced to a 33-foot (10 meters)...
Foto de Prakash Mathema, AFP, Getty Images
Rescue workers set up clinics in the streets to respond to victims on Saturday.
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Associated Press
A man passes near a collapsed temple near Durbar Square, the historic site of palaces in...
Foto de Omar Havana, Getty Images
With hospitals overtaxed and in uncertain structural condition, injured people received treatment...
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Associated Press
A man in Kathmandu surveyed the rubble in part of Kathmandu on Saturday. International aid...
Foto de Niranjan Shrestha, Associated Press